Case Study
Product Testing
of new TELCO

Service design
User experience
Communication strategy
Price elasticity
Client Context:
One of the leading telco companies in Spain and Europe was looking for a new revenue source in the Spanish market through the development of new products that will improve home connectivity and security.
The Challenge:
Prior to the launch of one of these services, the client wished to collect preliminary feedback on usage & experience of this service, with the aim to:
- fine tune the proposal
- define the purchase intent and price elasticity
Furthermore, it was important that respondents dealt with the service in a context as close as possible to real use, seeking positive elements and areas of improvement.
Besides, in line with the agile methodology, the client received continuous feedback on the different stages of the usage and experience with the service.
The solution – how we did it:
Conecta designed a Friendly User Test (FUT) methodology that enabled the client, researchers and final customers to work together, closely throughout the whole research process:
- Respondents auto-installed the service and the associated app
- They used it during a defined period of time in their homes
- They provided feedback for the team to solve and rework any problems experienced with the service
Conecta delivered different reports along the process including information and data from different sources:
- A qualitative online community that collected detailed feedback on the different steps of the usage
- UX remote interviews that allowed researchers and client to observe the spontaneous navigation process and detect possible unclear elements, points where customers get lost
- Quantitative survey focused on overall satisfaction, purchased intention and price elasticity
The outcome:
The insights and learnings obtained through the whole research process helped the client to:
- Improve the installation process
- Optimize the service, adding interesting features
- Re-work some pain points to improve the usability of the app
- Adjust the look & feel
- Work on a relevant storytelling to sell the product
- Tweak the name of the service
- Define the price policy